You all remember my first encounter with Lucky Brand jeans, right? (click here)
Well, pretty much, ever since then I decided that I'll just have to buy more of these jeans. The only problem with that thinking is that my style (sweet dream) went out of style with Lucky. Yes, they discontinued it.
Well, pretty much, ever since then I decided that I'll just have to buy more of these jeans. The only problem with that thinking is that my style (sweet dream) went out of style with Lucky. Yes, they discontinued it.
Don't you hate that? Like that really cool shade of lipstick or nail polish that looks great on you, but you can never buy more because the stupid company decided that they didn't want you to look good anymore? But I digress...
Back to the story.
On our way to Charleston, WV yesterday, we stopped in Hagerstown for gas. They have an outlet mall right next to the place we stopped for gas. Convenient? I think so! I usually don't just 'shop' unless I have a purpose. So, I didn't even think about shopping yesterday when we stopped. That is, until I saw that they had a Lucky Brand jeans outlet store. Now, I knew I didn't have an extra $120 dollars just laying around in my purse, but I decided that I needed to just stop in and see if they had my Sweet Dreams there. They were giving an extra 25% off clearance. That's a good sign. If the jeans are discontinued, they are sure to be on clearance, right? So I looked. And looked. And looked. Then.... disappointment. Two sizes too small, 5 sizes too big, too small, too long, too...... PERFECT!!!!!!!! MY SIZE!!!!! HAPPY DANCE HAPPY DANCE, RUN TO THE DRESSING ROOM, STRIP, TRY ON.......ahhhhhhhhhh..... perfect. I asked the guy if there were any more, and there were. I picked out two. They were on clearance for $39.99, extra $25% off, makes them $29-ish. Two pairs for $63-something. I saved $160 on two pairs of jeans. AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!