Saturday, January 8, 2011

Another passive aggressive post from yours truly - updated

I am not the first one to complain about people on Facebook. I know I won't be the last one either. However, today, there are waaay too many infractions on there for me to NOT say something.

  1. Continuous prayer requests from the same person about the same thing with an at least three-times-a-day update about their situation. Ok. I get it- you and your family are sick. You got the flu/cold the other day. First it was one kid, next it was the entire family. Shit happens. People get sick. It's a virus. It must run its course. I'm sorry to be the one to break it to you, but no amount of prayers or pleads for prayers will help you. God has more important things to worry about like curing cancer. He doesn't have time to worry about you and your cold. 
  2. Twitter updates. I'm not just talking about the occasional, "OMG I just saw Justin Beiber at the mall!" That's fine. What I am talking about is a ton of broken, unintelligible spurts of random information that I can't understand that take up so much space on my news feed that I can't see anything else on the small screen of my iPhone but your stupid twitter updates. 
  3. Your entire agenda for the day. This is the attention seeking individual who overachieves and then brags about it constantly in order to boost her self esteem. Why do people play into it? People fail to realize that by commenting about how amazing they are or how they admire their ability to do so much, they are only encouraging more bad behavior. 
  4. Quotations by other people. Yeah, they are inspirational/witty, but that's all you have to say? Don't you have your own thoughts? I am your friend because I care what YOU have to say, not what some ancient philsopher, celebrity, or author has to say. 
  5.  ** Sports play by plays. Just watch the fuckin' game and get off the damn blackberry. No one really wants to see your commentary about a stupid football game. If I wanted to know what's going on, I'd be watching the game. I'm not and I don't. 
And yeah, I realize that my blog is little more than a glorified Facebook status. Whatever. Kiss my ass. 


Anonymous said...

Guess what I did on New Year's Day? Deleted all my judgmental gossiping behind my back TBM relatives from Facebook. For my only New Year's resolution I resolved to stop pretending to be friends with people who aren't. Feels good, like losing 100 lbs (which would mean I weigh about the same as a small toddler but you know what I mean).

The funny thing is while they post their passive aggressive every-member-a-missionary offensive shit on Facebook, they secretly read my blog where they are too terrified to comment.

So when I deleted them I just took control of the conversation. That's right. I did.

Marianne said...

Yeah, I hear ya! I did the same thing.

Brandi said...

I'm glad I haven't posted anything on Facebook today. I'd be terribly paranoid right now if I had.

The Galan Family said...

AMEN!!!! Facebook has sorta made dislike some of my friends. That's why I use the HIDE feature on a lot of them so I don't have to read their annoying updates that get my blood boiling. :) It's a win-win.

Marianne said...

hahahaha I don't know why I don't just hide them. I guess I'd rather just complain about it instead. Maybe I'll do that.

Brandi said...

Thanks for adding number 5. I just came here to write a comment about it, but you've got it covered.

greta said...

number five is the worst. as for giving a play by play, i do that sometimes, not so much for self worth but more because i can't believe that i actually accomplished all that in one day and isn't it a miracle?

and now i'm paranoid about the quote thing. i've been quoting a bitch thought everyday from my calendar. not because it's thought provoking, it's just funny.

anyway, everything else you said is pretty spot on. i hate twitter. bleh.

Marianne said...

Greta -

I thought you were the bitch you were quoting.

And you don't do the rundown of your accomplishments on a daily basis. Occasionally, yeah, it's cool. Besides, you weren't the one who I had in mind for any of these things.

greta said...

oh i know marianne. i'm not so conceited to think that you would write a cryptic blog post on what i say on FB. you would just tell me to my face.

i was, i guess, justifying the annoying FB statuses i make....