Wednesday, August 20, 2008

You fed them WHAT?!?!?!

That's what Mel is going to say when he asks what the kids ate for dinner tonight. Yeah, he usually doesn't have much to say about what I feed the kids. He knows that I generally feed them a well-balanced diet. Except for tonight. What did they get for dinner, you ask?

Fish sticks and kettle corn. Oh, and ketchup, lots of ketchup.


Crystal said...

I totally rediscovered fish sticks last month, and if I had my choice (and no worries about my waistline) I'd have them at least once a week. Fried, NOT baked. Yum!

Marianne said...

I love fried not baked foods. DEEEEELICIOUS

Lucy said...

I THINK there might be Omega 3 fatty acids in fish sticks - that's a must!

Ariella said...

Fish sticks and ketchup aren't a normal balanced diet??? It's a good thing my mom's here to cook for me now. It was starting to look like fried foods every night there for awhile. Yikes!

Harmony said...

Like the time I fed the kids meatballs. Not spaghetti and meatballs. Meatballs.

I want to come eat at your house. I love fish sticks.