Wednesday, May 14, 2008

10 Things I Love About Warm Weather

  1. I can sit outside and hang out while the kids play. It's especially wonderful to hang out in my backyard now because Suzan and Mel landscaped it last week, and it's FABULOUS. You should come over and hang out with me.

  2. My kids don't hang out inside the house all afternoon and watch tv. (AKA: bug me)

  3. We get to go on 'Minnick Family Walks' on Sunday afternoons.

  4. Skirts and dresses.

  5. Flip flops/sexy high heeled sandals.

  6. Watermelon

  7. Flowers

  8. Driving in the car with the windows down. Notice I said warm weather. I can't do this in hot weather. Then, it's all air conditioning in my car.

  9. Nighttime walks with the dog.

  10. Picnics.

Most of them have to do with being outside. I love to be outside when it's warm. Don't you?


Amanda said...

Warm is fabulous, hot not so much. We have sadly already passed the warm days and are heading into the hot. Enjoy them while you can!

Ariella said...

I am loving this warm weather. Saturday was gorgeous! I can't wait to see your landscaped backyard. I might have to get Suzan to have a look at my yard.

Marianne said...

You'd better hurry up, Ariella. She is getting more an more in demand. If you want her to help, just make sure you are prepared to work.