Sunday, October 5, 2008

Speed, anyone?

Am I the only one who has this problem in her neighborhood? Last week, something very sad and unnecessary happened on my street. One way that it could have been prevented is by having speed limit signs posted on neighborhood streets. I live directly across the street from an elementary school. Twice a day, we deal with large numbers of traffic and cars on our street. We have finally been able to get police here during those times to "encourage" a 15 MPH speed limit. However, since we don't have signs, they can't ticket anyone who exceeds that limit. Picerne is very unwilling to assist us in keeping our neighborhood safe from speeding cars. So, along with petitions and meetings with the post commander, we've decided to take things one step further...

This will continue until we run out of sidewalk chalk. Donations, anyone?


Brandi said...

Are you sure they can't ticket?

I got pulled over on Leslie last year (I was going 25). There are NO speed limit signs posted.

I said that to the officer who pulled me over and he said that the rule is you follow the last posted limit until you see a new sign (which on Leslie is 20--the sign is on Clark).

The rule seemed off to me.

It would be nice if they would put signs up in the neighborhoods. People used to always come flying down the hill past my house, and that's a blind curve.

I'll send you chalk :)

SheL said...

You are awesome! That is really cool of you. What happened? I hope someone didn't hit a child.

Darcy said...

So did a child get hit? I'm so sad if that happened! Shame on Picerne and the little stab in the back things they do constantly! I'll mail you some chalk! You'll have to email your addy to me again.
hugs to you my friend and may you all stay safe

Marianne said...

Thank God it wasn't a child. You all know my best MD friend, Suzan. It was her golden retriever, Chloe. Thankfully, she lived. She just came home from the vet yesterday. One leg short.

Picerne basically said that something really bad like a child getting hit will have to happen before they do anything. Well, we have other things in mind. Petitions, post commander, you get the idea. I don't think anyone is willing to wait to lose their child. I'm not.

The Galan Family said...

Good for you Marianne! You go girl. But I have to say i would take Picerne any day over the company running housing on Ft. Gordon. It is the WORST. But I'll spare you all the details. Keep fighting until they do something.

CJ said...

Seriously, write ALL of your congress people about it. Most of them don't like to hear about bad things happening on military posts, especially if it's in their own state.
I don't get people who speed thru housing areas. Our nephew was just hit last month by a car that was going the speed limit. Just thinking about going through that has made me a slow driver through ANY kind of housing area. So, things like that just piss me off!
Also, take it up with the district management of Picerne. Those people on post have their bosses as well. Your streets are too close together and the houses too close to the street to have the speed that high.
Good luck with it
emily g

Harmony said...

That's so awful! I was afraid it was a kid. Picerne can bite me! What do you need woman? Want me to send you some Hawaiian sidewalk chalk? :-)

Monique said...

That ticks me right off! What a lame lame LAME situation that could be settled with a few signs. They are morons. (I'm also a little bitter since we haven't gotten our move money from them yet.) Put my name on that list in red. They might remember the havok I rendered and get a little scared. :) Send my love to Suzan.

Kylene said...

That is terrible! I remember how bad traffic was when we lived on Leslie. What irks me the most is that most of the speeding traffic is contractors/repairmen...people who should have their driving accounted for. Not that everyone shouldn't...Let me know if you need more chalk! I bought a whole tub for summer and we only got about a tenth of the way through it.

Kristina said...

That is so horrible. What you are doing is wonderful. Let me know how we can help. If you need chalk or people, if I can do it I will.