Sunday, June 28, 2009

I finally did it...

...and I liked it.

I'm sorry, Brandi, Crystal, Harmony, and any of you other girls who hate twilight. I tried to hate it. Yes, it was a bit angsty, but so is my life. I do have a teenager, you know. Also, I thought Eddie was pretty sexy. I wanted him to bite me.

I don't get the funny part. What was funny about it? Please enlighten me.

One of these days, you bi***es will get a real post from me. And there will be pictures of my house in them. Maybe.


Brandi said...

Wait, are you talking about the book or the movie? I'm not sure which would be worse for me to hear, but I at least need to know the specifics of why I hate you now.

Monique said...

I assume it was the movie, but then again you are a reader. I haven't read it yet, but I liked/tolerated the movie. It was just good. Not great, but good. And Ariella HATED the movie, so maybe I'd like to book. . .

Crystal said...

The funny parts of the movie? the over acting? The creepy Edward part where he looks like he's going to vomit when he sees Bella? (that had to make you giggle a little!) how about Kstewart's non face. She has just two faces! That's not an actress!

If you are referring to the book, well, that blew too. But if you liked it, you liked. Nothing to be done. :P

Ariella said...

Well, I know Marianne read the books a while back, so it must about the movie. I really tried to like it again. I watched it for the second time on the cruise and I couldn't even watch certain parts because I felt so embarrassed for them. Really, it's that bad.

But, I can see having a teenager with you LOVING it, can make it a little more appealing.

Who knew these books could create such drama. :)

Sarah said...

There are a couple parts in the movie where you can see the makeup lines on the actor/resses faces. It's pretty funny. And I love Bella's non-faces too.

Marianne said...

Ariella was like my crack dealer.

I got totally hooked on the books. However, I think the last one sucked.

The movie was cute. I didn't hate it like I thought I would. I took so long to see it as a personal protest against the hype.

I did think Bella was boring and stared too much. And I embarrassed Patricia because I commented that I didn't like how she and Eddie were kissing in her bedroom while she was in her drawers. I didn't like that.

Harmony said...

Oh NO! We can't be friends! That movie physically PAINS me to watch. The books were just as bad (if not WORSE!)

AUGH!!! Take this post back!!! Post pictures of your house instead for your b**ches <--- which of course, I mean "beaches"--why? what were you spelling? ;-)

Linds said...

I liked the books (minus the last one which I found disappointing), and the movie was pretty bad- horrid acting and miss so much of the storyline that there was in the book that it was just sad. I like Vampire Diaries way better though. Twilight was good, but I LOVE Vampire Diaries (although that might be because I read it when I was a teeny booper the first time I read them).

Brandi said...

What did Patricia think of the movie/books? She's completely allowed to love them because they're written for her age group.

I'm with Harmony. Your beaches want to see your new house.

Marianne said...

Mel has the camera at boy scout camp. I will take pictures and post them by Monday. I promise. If I don't you can come beat me up.


Yeah, Patricia loved the books and the movie.

Linds said...

I'm not weighing in on Twilight. Not interested in the books or movie. Anyway, it's good to see you blogging and what you're up to. I'm jealous of the blueberries and Mel's Father's Day breakfast, it looks amazing! And the lizard - sick. I'm not scared of reptiles (although a snake in my Ft. Meade house really freaked me out) this picture makes it look really creepy! Good luck and hang in there. I too am looking forward to pics of your house!!!