Thursday, June 18, 2009

Top Ten Reasons Marianne Hasn't Been Blogging

Today's post brought to you by guest blogger, Brenda

I don't know where she is or what she's doing, but here are a few guesses:

10. Too much time at the gym strained her fingers and she can't type.

9. She got Lyme disease from her tick infested new house and died.

8. She's in bed recovering from a Brazillian butt lift.

7. She's out shopping for mom jeans.

6. She's been playing Guitar Hero for 6 days straight.

5. She's busy cooking creative, healthful, balanced meals for her family while the rest of us just feed ours ramen.

4. She's too busy with her new friends in her new ward to bother updating the old ones. I guess she missed out on learning that old Girl Scout classic:

Make new friends but keep the old
One is silver and the other gold.

We're gold, Marianne. We're gold. Just remember that.

3. Too much connubial bliss.

2. My hotness scorched her retinas and now she's blind. Sorry.

1. She's sleeping. Shhhhhhh...


Crystal said...

Oh Brenda...does Marianne ever regret letting you into her blog?

SheL said...

All of those ideas sound very possible =)
Come back Marianne!!!

Marianne said...

lol brenda. i didn't even see this until after i posted my entry today. you are almost right on all ten reasons.


Brenda said...


It's a definite possibility.
