Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I pretty much hate X-mas music

However, Vivian loves it. And if I don't play it in the car, she will sing the same lines from the same songs over and over and over and over and over. I figure that it's more pleasant to have music to go with the words, so we listen to it in the car. Today, I heard this song for the first time ever. It was so clever and entertaining, I had to share it with you.

The feeling I got from the song is how we are all so crazed and jumbled at this time of the year. Everything seems to blend all together. The shopping, decorating, baking, partying, cooking, traveling, entertaining, all seems to smoosh together and create a hectic frenzy. Then December 25th dawns, the presents are opened, the meal is eaten, and it's over. Just like that. All that craziness for what? More stuff. 

Don't get me wrong, I like stuff. I like shopping and getting presents. I like having a reason to make gifts for people I love. But I don't like the hoopla that goes along with it. That's all.

Wow. I wrote a whole post without cussing. Or mentioning my awesome ass. Shit! I just cussed. Twice. Oh well, nobody's perfect. I hope Santa will still bring me lots of presents this year.


Anonymous said...

I hate X-mas music too. It may have something to do with the fact that a handful of the local radio stations play it NONSTOP starting the day after HALLOWEEN.

I think that song is the best X-mas song I've ever heard.

Marianne said...

I don't usually listen to the radio stations. I have XM radio, so I just listen to Glen Beck all day. Just kidding. But, they have a couple of stations devoted to just xmas music, so I can choose if I want to hear it or not.

Jennifer said...

I don't hate all Christmas music. However, I do go absofracklinglutely nuts over 'Sleigh Ride'. After playing the same sheet music of the song for 9 years anyone would hate it. I HATE it, and Im convinced theres a worldwide conspiracy to play it if Im around.

Urban Koda said...

They do one called the Christmas Can-Can which is really good as well... I can't handle to slow dreary crap put forth as Xmas music either... So I've been listening to these guys almost non-stop since finding them... Unfortunately it backfired when my stocking contained their new album instead of the Eminem one I specifically asked for... I guess they're still not too bad though.

Marianne said...

Do they just have christmas music? I guess I could just look it up for myself.

I haven't really ever been able to get into Eminem. I haven't really wanted to.

Urban Koda said...

I think walmart had a christmas album... I almost got it, but my 8 year old talked me into phineas and ferb instead.