Sunday, April 27, 2008


I am dying here. I seriously think this is the worst allergy season I have ever had in my whole life. I think I have taken every allergy medicine, in every combination possible.



I know it won't last forever. Just a couple of weeks. How bad could it really be? Wrote a haiku 'bout it. Wanna hear it, here it go:

allergies both'rin
itchy nose, watery eyes
medicine don't help

I think I am spazzing out. My eyes are twitching. Is that a bad sign? I think I am going to take two more benadryl. It doesn't really work, it just barely takes the edge off. But it does help me sleep. Maybe a good night's rest will help. Man, I hope.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Believe it or not ( no one does) if you lie face first in a pillow with the majority of the pressure on the bridge of your nose/eye area, it helps.

Or a heavy ( and it has to be heavy, dont let them tell you different )chilled eye pillow. I'll see if I can figure out where we bought mine, some homeopathic store...somewhere LOL!