Monday, April 21, 2008

I've been busy, ok?

I have been up to my @$$ in dirty house funk for the past 4 days, ok? That's why I haven't blogged. You know the movie "The Money Pit"? Well, that is my life. Mel and I went to WV to get our house ready for sale. Needless to say, we ran into a few difficulties while we were working. So, sorry that I haven't blogged in a little while. I've been BUSY.

Oh, and I came home to two kids that had big school projects due. So I've been helping put together a science project and helping build an ancient Chinese terraced rice paddy. Oh, and we only have one computer. So, rather than kick the kids off the computer while they are doing research, I have opted to take a break from blogging. So excUUUUUUse me. I'll be back when I get back.

One more thing..... Um, thanks for caring about my little blog.


Monique said...

Thanks. We appreciate the update. Rice Paddy, huh? I think you need to blog about that and send a pic. I've never seen one, let alone an ANCIENT one. :)

Ariella said...

I'm still glad I saw you at the gym today, regardless of the dirty house funk. ;) Hope the house selling goes well and the ancient chinese rice paddy sounds fun too. I hear Slavka's helping Ryan make the parthenon.

Marianne said...

Thanks Ariella. I was glad to see you there too.

Emily said...