Friday, March 27, 2009

The fun never ends

Today I was noticing the blogs that I follow are all food related blogs. No big surprise, right? They all serve their purpose in my little world and I am going to explain them to you.

  1. Cake Wrecks - This is totally hilarious!! Not only does she get great pictures of 'professional' cakes, she has such a great sense of humor. Most of you have eaten a cake that I have made. I hope that I haven't made a cake that is worthy of this blog. No, I take that back. I did make one for Trystan's birthday one year that was a totally BUSTED looking Army guy. It was bad, people. Very bad!
  2. HowChow - This is a great blog because all the restaurant reviews are close to me. Mel and I have eaten at several restaurants he has reviewed and he presents a really accurate picture of the food, atmosphere, etc. If you live around here and want to check out some good places to eat, look no further!
  3. Closet Cooking - This guy has way too much time on his hands, but I wish I were his friend so I could go to his house and eat his food. He cooks awesome recipes, and has great pictures that make me want to make the food right away. I haven't actually made anything yet, but it's coming. I'll tell you all a secret: I want to make this, but I have to get past the rough spot I am having with the youngest child, or I might drink the beer instead of cooking with it.

That's all. If you only want to click on one of the links, click on Cake Wrecks, and read today's entry. It'll have you laughing out loud.


Crystal said...

I love Cake Wrecks! The baby shower cakes always make me gag. I love her Sunday Successes also...those are amazing.

Brandi said...

I love cake wrecks!

SheL said...

So... Cake Wrecks is hilarious! Thanks for that =) Also, good luck on your interview. I know you will do an awesome job. Sorry it has been so long. Things have been crazy. Miss you!