Tuesday, October 5, 2010

It's not that simple

If you don't like it, don't look.

That's what my momma told me. That was kinda her motto when I was growing up. If she wanted to wear a belly shirt, and her belly had scars from multiple surgeries, she didn't care. She wore it anyway. Fuck 'em. If 'they' didn't like it, then 'they' shouldn't look. 

Is this really good practical life advice? Should you not look at something just because you may not like it? Just because it might be uncomfortable? Remember last week's post about the recycled t-shirts? Gross. Sweat? Gross. You looked. You came back for more. You didn't like it. At least some of you didn't. How about the overall tone of my blog? Do you like it? If I had to describe it, I would say that it's me with my ass hanging out. That's actually how I described it to some people this weekend. They will check it out. They will decide if they like it or not. And if they don't like it? Will they keep looking? Maybe. 

It's not always bad to keep looking at something you don't like. Sometimes, it can teach you something about yourself. If you are honest with yourself and want to know the 'why' behind your dislike, you may discover that the reasons you initially disliked something aren't valid. If you can separate your viewpoint from the socially accepted norms, you might see that your lens (AKA-the 'right thing') is cloudy. You might even discover that once you take out your recycled t-shirt* and clean that lens, you see the world a whole different way. And what was once uncomfortable and offensive to look at, isn't really so disgusting. It might even change the way you think about everything. 

*The t-shirt in question is green. Green t-shirts are exclusively for cleaning glass. Nothing else. No shit, no snot, only glass. 


Brandi said...

I wish some of MY blog readers would adopt this philosophy.

As for the tone of your blog, I've already mentioned that to you. It was slightly strange at first--not because I was offended but because it was so different than what it used to be. But after one, maybe two posts by the real Marianne, it stopped being strange.

As for why I come back? Your ass, of course.

Ariella said...

Have you started getting hate mail yet???

LoJo said...

Are we thinking alike? Didn't I say something like that in my blog last week?

I LOVE your blog, btw. Just in case you didn't already know that! ;-)

Anonymous said...

I've thought the X-ACT same thing. My blog is certainly not for everyone. Really it's for me. I'm sure you know what I mean.

Of course that doesn't stop some of my believing family members from reading it (my blog was outed a few weeks ago), printing out a few choice selections, and presenting them to my 70-ish Mormon parents (who don't have internet access and wouldn't know what to do with it if they did). Yeah, I'm 46 and the tattlers are in their mid 50's. A little dysfunctional, maybe?

It's cool you have a place where your ass hangs out. I hear it's a good one -- I think you mentioned it. ; )

Marianne said...

You're a grown-ass woman. It puzzles me why adults would feel the need to tattle on each other. There must come a point where you can just be responsible for your own decisions.

Yeah, my blog is mine. It's unapologetically mine. I'm not sorry if you don't like it.

Marianne said...

...and by 'you', I mean that in the general sense of 'you'. Not you, CD.