Monday, September 27, 2010

What's next?

Ever since Jesus attacked me the other day, I have been so curious about what the 'next blog' is. Saturday, it was photographers. Sunday, it was mostly foodies. I got a super yummy looking recipe for coconut banana bread with candied ginger on top. I can't wait to try that one. Today, it's paper crafters. Stamps and cards and shit (snore). 

I found an odd fucking blog on Sunday. This person reused old t-shirts. OK, there's  nothing wrong with that. I have used an old t-shirt for a spit rag, window cloth, shoe-shiner. There are many things one can do with  an old t-shirt.

Did you know that you can make your own ass rags with old t-shirts? Yeah! You can just cut them into squares or strips, and put them in a basket on the back of your toilet with a spray bottle. When you need to wipe yourself after le poo, just spray and wipe. I guess you should put a dirty basket somewhere close by so you don't end up re-using the same cloth. That could get gross. 

Also! You can make snot rags out of old t-shirts. Once again, make sure there exists the proper receptacle for the besnotted rags. The blog author was sure to point out that in her family, they use white rags for the snot, and dark colors for the bum. Good idea.

Ya know, because who wants to get an ass full of snot?


Brandi said...

Just...ewww. That is all.

LoJo said...

Ok, I should not read your blog while eating dinner! I LOL'd and almost spit salad on ym screen.

Ass full of snot! You're a funny beyotch!

Anonymous said...

Disgusting. I think I'd rather get attacked by Jesus.

I mean, haven't these people heard of toilet paper?

(I also LOL'd at your last line and had to explain myself to present company; we both agreed ass rags are a really bad idea)

Unknown said...

My "next blog" was Hannah's Gossip Page. How do the blog people choose these things? So they have a secret way of knowing what things I secretly want to know about??????

Jared and Lydia said...

OK, now that's just two foul entries in a row. Do I need to mention that I eat my breakfast while reading this? So now I've heard all about your sweaty, smelly, extra ab skin, and now ass rags? That's just foul. Seriously, I feel like I'm going to throw up in my mouth thinking about ass rags.

Marianne said...

Ummmmmm, maybe you should read it at a different time?

I don't plan to keep posting gross things. Hopefully tomorrow, I won't ruin your breakfast.