Monday, March 3, 2008

ho hum...

Life's back to normal now. I'm back. I didn't feel the need to post a picture along with witty commentary on Saturday when we got home. Sorry. I must say, I am less than enthusiastic to be home. Correction: at home in MD. It's not the fact that I had a whole week with no responsiblities beyond myself. I realized that I actually enjoy taking care of my family. It's just that Hawaii is so beautiful. I could ABSOULUELY see myself living there. I just loved it. I know the kids would love it too.

So, here's my new mission in life: To get us back there. Permanently. Well, at least for three years. I am putting Oprah's secret to work for me. Now I must say that I'm quite skeptical, but I'm willing to try. What could it hurt?

Ok. Here goes! I see myself sitting on my front porch (in Hawaii), typing on my computer. I am getting ready to go to the commissary (in Hawaii) to buy desperately needed groceries. My kids are coming home from school in about an hour and when they get home we're going to spend some time at the beach before we have dinner. We are planning to go to Honolulu on Saturday to spend some time with friends. I think we're going to all go snorkeling. Sounds good, huh?

Wishful thinking? We'll see in a year.


Harmony said...

YES! Come and live with me! You could make me work out and make me cookies (apparently how you are getting to Hawaii is being my maid!)

I'm so glad you guys enjoyed yourself--your updates were awesome!

Marianne said...

I'll tag along as your maid as long as you don't mind my FOUR kids too. I am not so sure it's worth it to you. Oh, and I'll make you cookies when I get some um, ahem... BROWNIES.

Emily said...

It's always such a bummer to come back home after a wonderful vacation. Loved all of your posts from Hawaii, I'll keep my fingers crossed for your return!

Kingery Family said...

I found your blog through your comment on my page, welcome to the blog world! I can completely see you in Hawaii--and your vision seems so real I can almost imagine myself there too. And I don't think I've ever had your chocolate chip cookies...hint hint. :)

Marianne said...

Shilae, I have several dozen cookies left. I am trying my hardest to limit myself to about 10 per day. I'll try to remember to bring some by your place tomorrow.