Thursday, September 2, 2010

Caught up

Looking for something to make our already awesome family and marriage stronger, my husband and I opened up to the possibility of church. I was 7 or 8 months pregnant with Trystan and fresh out of the Army. He had a Mormon coworker. They discussed things about the church during work. In turn, he would come home and relate them to me. The things he told me about the church sounded great. But I just wasn't sold on the whole no coffee and no alcohol thing. I was still nursing, and I COULDN'T WAIT to have a beer. After 9 months of abstaining, I missed my pal, Sam Adams. Hell no, I wasn't going to join a church that forbade beer!

The missionaries came, they taught, they kicked ass! Those were some great girls that we grew to love. I went to church for the first time on my birthday. It was boring, but the people were so kind. I enjoyed hanging out with the other nursing moms in the tiny mother's lounge. There were like 8 of us that had boys within weeks of each other, so I enjoyed making new friends. After church, we planned to go out for lunch. Imagine our surprise that they 'didn't do' that sort of thing. What were we supposed to do? We were hungry. Oh well.

There were tons of nice people and fun things to do. We had instant friends. Until this point in our lives, we didn't have a friends. We had coworkers. We had a few people we could call if we needed a favor. But we didn't have people to hang out with. You bitches know me, I love hanging out. I love my girlfriends! This was awesome! The people in the Laurel ward were so great. There was one family that we loved more than the others. You know who you are. We are still great friends with them.

Soon after we joined the church, we moved several hours away. Mel was working a very demanding and stressful job. I was virtually a single parent for four years. It was the friends I had in the ward that helped me and held me up during that extremely difficult time in my life. It was there, that we became part of a family. Our adopted famly. They are grandma, grandpa, aunt, uncle, cousin, sister, brother to our family. They are crazy, loud, open, honest, bossy, annoying. We love them, and they love us.

We eventually moved back to our old area. Although we were slightly disappointed that we weren't within the same boundaries and couldn't attend our previous ward, we soon discovered that the ward we were assigned to was perfect. I was called served in YW immediately. I loved my girls. I still love them.

As I sit here and type all of this, I am hesitant. I cannot say that I have had any bad experiences with the people I know. Maybe fake people stay away from me because they think I'll see right through them. Maybe it's because I'm oblivious to things that don't directly affect me. Remember? I don't gossip. I don't know or care to know other people's shit. I have my own, thankyouverymuch. I tend to gravitate toward nice people, so I generally have good experiences.

So, what went wrong? Why am I 'done'? Life was pretty good. Things were going along relatively smoothly. I was living in a bubble of sorts. Looking back, I realized that I had gotten pretty selective (picky) with whom I would associate. I hung out with my nonmember neighbors, but I bristled every time they would light a cigarette, or cuss, or drink beer. These people were good parents. They had great values. They were honest, kind, and helpful. They were everything I loved about my Mormon friends. If only they didn't ________. Fill in the blank.

As I spent more time with my nonmember neighbors, I realized that something was missing. Something was 'off' about our relationship. More on this later.

Then I met Mixee. Our kids had been friends for a couple years. She moved in across the street, and I finally got the opportunity to know my other sister. One of our first conversations after she moved in went a little something like this:

"Ummm, I don't want to offend you by asking you, so you can say no, and that's fine. But I thought I'd ask you anyway, just in case you'd like to come. I'm having an 'adult' toy party tomorrow night, sooooooooooooo......?"

"Yeah! Sure I'll some. I'm not offended. I have sex. Welllllll, I'll have to see. I need to make sure Mel is OK with it. Hmmmmmmmm. I'll have to get back to you."

Now don't start thinking that because I touched a dildo, that's what started me on the road to hell. That conversation is just one of the first of many conversations that, upon looking back, made me realize that I had become so uptight, judgemental, and boring. Mel wasn't OK with it. I went anyway and got some dumb ass coupons.

There's more to this story. I'll continue it tomorrow perhaps. I have been ignoring my monkey for long enough.


Anonymous said...

You end this awesome post with the part where you touched a dildo? I'm not sure whether to feel disappointed or slightly relieved (heh).

I like the fact that you point out the many good and awesome people who believe. Those people are such a huge part of why it's so difficult to leave. When I started questioning my faith, I immediately thought of all the wonderful people who I respect and who are believers. If they believe, how could it be false?

On the other hand, we were good and awesome people too who helped validate other believers when we were still in it. We haven't changed except for the fact that we no longer believe.

Brandi said...

So, the labels for this post are cracking me up. "Awesomeness, church, dildo, monkey."

It's like that part of Sesame Street when they play "One of these things is not like the other."

Anyway, even though I've already heard bits and pieces of this story, I'm looking forward to reading the rest of it.

By the way, I totally touched a dildo yesterday. A freakishly huge one. And that's all I have to say about that.

Anne Katherine said...

we still love you too.

Marianne said...

Your story is what has prompted me to do this. Thankfully, I have chosen awesome quality people to surround me. I think (and hope) I have already qualified for their friendship and love regardless of where I end up with the church.

Marianne said...

I did that for your benefit.

I love your honesty most.

Ariella said...

I have a feeling that your already awesome family and friends care about you enough to love you know matter what you believe. I count myself lucky to have you as a friend.

Brandi said...

So, my husband just sent me this link and it's oddly appropriate:

Marianne said...

The iPhone has the same type of app.

Brandi said...

And do you like it?


Anonymous said...

Mariann, the "you" that is meant to share with others is a fabulous you, and the path you are meant to take has nothing to do with others' opinions of it. It is a direct line from A to B and as long as YOU feel that is on a productive route, the decisions you make along the way are all a part of that growth. I adore you, and am so blessed to have met you.. You have made me want to be a better person; mother, friend, Christian, wife....every part of me. Any person that can do that is bound for prepare for your gifts! I LOVE YOU!!