Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Girlfriends are Great

I love being a girl. I love that I have so many choices when it comes to clothing. I love all the fun things that I get to do, like get manicures and put on makeup. I love that it's perfectly acceptable for me to announce, "I need a hot bubble bath tonight after my kids go to sleep to help me unwind." (In 12 years, I have never heard my husband say that.) I love that I was able to give my kids something that no one else can give - life. What I don't like is what they gave me in return: STRETCH MARKS!!!

Most of you know that I have lost a lot of weight over the past 6 months. You probably also know that I workout 5 days a week. You might also know that I am going to Hawaii next week. Because those three events came together at precisely the right time, I decided that I needed to buy a bikini. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't even think about wearing a bikini, but how many times in my life will I go on vacation in Hawaii? And like all women I know, I have some body image issues. So, that's why I decided to bring a second (honest) opinion with me on my hunt for a bikini. Are you wondering what my issues are? Cellulite? No. Tummy rolls? No. It's that gift my 4 kids gave me. STRETCH MARKS. But it's not only stretch marks, it's a saggy, baggy belly button too. (TMI? Maybe. But you chose to read it.) So, we went. I tried. I failed. I guess it's comforting to know that it's not all in my head (though I was hoping I was just crazy). My best girlfriend thinks my saggy, baggy skin is gross too. She didn't tell me that. What she said was,"Maybe a bikini isn't the best choice for you. A really sexy one-piece is definitely the way to go." Isn't she great?

And that's why I think girlfriends are great. I am blessed to have some of the greatest friends in the world. Each one of them is unique and, for lack of a better explanation, serve a unique purpose in my life. I have the girlfriend that I call when I am having a crappy day and need a good laugh and a little perspective. I have the girlfriend I call when I am in a spiritual slump and need someone to gently remind me to pray for help. I have the girlfriend that I go to when I am frustrated about something and need someone to listen to me rant (cuss). But last night, I needed the girlfriend that I know would give me her honest to goodness opinion. She did and I am thankful I won't be sitting on the beach in Hawaii thinking I look good in my bikini and really looking EEEEEW.

You girls know who you are. I love you.


Harmony said...

Oh, Hawaii! I'm so jealous (whether it's about you going to Hawaii or having to guts to go bikini shopping, I'm not sure!)

Hey, if you can rock a swimsuit the way you do nine months pregnant, bikinis are NOTHING! NOTHING!

Amanda said...

I'm having that hardest time imagining you losing all sorts of weight when you were always so skinny! You must be a veritable twig by now! I'm jealous. Though I guess I could work out. :) Have so much fun in Hawaii! I love it there.

Marianne said...

I am pretty skinny now. I don't know how long it'll last, but I am just trying to enjoy it while I can!

Monique said...

She is a little skinny minnie! Eat more cookies... and have a ton of fun in Hawaii. I can't wait for the pictures to magically appear on your blog! You rule!

Janet said...

We love you, too! =)